Hotel Registration Form

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Let's Work Together!

Today many traditional Hotel Industries are embracing active e-portal with enthusiasm. Popular online portals are leading the conversion of offline customer into online bargain hunters. But setting up a complete e-hotel booking portal is not a cake walk. The cost of developing has increased manifold and managing the resources has become more and more complex.

Know SeeYuSoon

SeeYuSoon is free of cost, compatible, customizable and independent online solution which supports many features that are must for running an profitable e-hotel booking store. With SeeYuSoon customers can book the hotel rooms on hourly basis and can chose the time of their check in and checkout according to convenience. Just by downloading our android app, choosing hotels will be possible on a click. Ours is a free online solution without a catch and without additional attached strings. No membership required and we're easy like that!

Vision & Mission

SeeYuSoon is visualized to become a giant "commerce solution for hotel Industry" in next five years. Our mission is to bring down the infrastructural cost for any commercial hotel venture that plans to be online.

What Your Support Will Yield!

  • check_circleAn additional source of marketing & Branding, impeccable online publicity with sponsored facebook posts.
  • check_circleExclusive hotel coverage, involvement of digital graphics to enhance the visibility of your hotel.
  • check_circleUtilization of social networking & word-of-mouth marketing to raise customer desire and acceptance.
  • check_circleInviting the large user views over your hotel and in turn highlighting the keyRevenue Management: Manage your rates with us across so many sales channels. Lot of information but little business intelligence can hamper you revenue graph. points to increase your reliability.
  • check_circleInventory Management: Keeping track of which is room is empty at what point of time and then trying to find good deals with flexible payment terms. This will ensure smooth and regular business support.

Why We Need You?

We need most of your support for development of customer service on large scale. We want to aggressively finish our development and documentation roadmap. We are not concerned that you've got 5 rooms or 50 rooms to invest, we are open to everyone. Every penny of your investment will be utilized in building a simpler yet efficient problem solving solution. No problem is without a solution and we, with your financial support, will ensure that solution evolves faster so that this world can be made a better place to live in.

Still Have Questions?

Our advisor will answer all your questions on